We require anyone we work with (vendors) to sign a contract stating they will uphold the following working conditions and standards. Failure to do so will result in termination of the working relationship. They must provide proof of compliance if requested. I (Katarina, the owner) have personally been to every factory that we work with and confirmed the working conditions. It's very important to me that workers are paid fairly and treated well. We currently manufacture our clothing in India and the swimwear in Bali.
Wages: We respect the workers’ right to earn a living wage and we ensure that wages paid meet at least legal or industry minimum standards - whichever is greater. We do not accept deductions as a disciplinary measure. Wages must be paid regularly, on time and in a way that is convenient for the workers.
Note: Currently everyone involved in the production of Kitteny is making at least 20% over the minimum wage. Our clothing is difficult to sew and requires experience workers, so the tailors are compensated accordingly, on average making more than 3-4x the minimum wage. With most items, the tailors are actually paid by the piece and they set the price of the piece depending on how long it will take them. So they have control over how much they make.
Human Rights and Labor: Kitteny expects that its vendors respect the rights of their employees and comply with the relevant labor legislation and standards for the countries in which they operate as well as the ILO (International Labor Organization). Workers must meet minimum age requirements for employment as set forth by applicable law. Vendors must not use any forced labor of any kind, including but not limited to forced, bonded, indentured or prison labor. Employees must be employed of their own volition and are free to terminate their employment at any time with reasonable notice.
Working Hours: Kitteny expects that its vendors comply with local laws relevant to work hours. In accordance with the ILO we do not require workers to exceed 48 hours of work per week on a regular basis and we encourage reducing work hours to 40 hours per week and a maximum of 8 hours per day. Workers should be provided with at least one day off for every seven-day period, with the option of two. Overtime is voluntary and should be compensated at a premium wage.
Note: In the factory that we work with in India, workers can choose their own hours and are not required to work certain days. Overtime is optional and they get paid 1.5x the normal wage. Workers can work as little as they want or as much as they want, they are treated like independent contractors.
Discrimination Policy: Kitteny does not discriminate against any employee or workers based on race, skin color, religion, political or sexual orientation, gender, national origin, social rank or status. Vendors must refrain from participating in any acts or practices that impairs equality opportunity or treatment in employment.
Health and Safety: We expect vendors to ensure that workers are protected from hazardous equipment, insufferable surroundings or unsafe premises. The workplace should be safe and hygienic, and vendors take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and to minimize health risks as much as possible. Safety awareness should always be a priority and should be understood and implemented daily.
Sustainability and Ethics: Kitteny is committed to protection of the environment and taking all available measures of sustainability. Our vendors must use ethically sourced materials and be able to provide the origin of said materials. Any dyes used must be of natural origin and not harmful to the environment. We avoid the use of single use plastics and disposable materials/packaging whenever possible, and expect our vendors to do the same.
Note: We only use natural fabrics and avoid any synthetic materials when possible. We have worked with the factory directly to decrease any waste associated with production. We also produce in smaller batches, only making what we think we can sell (aka why things sell out quickly!). When we use animal products (like leather), they are humanely produced and sustainably processed. We do not use any fur.